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Rhinoplasty in Plano, TX

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What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is an aesthetic procedure performed to improve the appearance or function of the nose. Plastic surgeon Dr. Renee Booth with Beyond Beautiful is a seasoned cosmetic nose and facial surgeon who offers rhinoplasty to patients all across the DFW Metroplex and beyond. To complete this advanced surgery, she takes a subtle approach to produce the softest and most natural outcomes. Although rhinoplasty consists of mild, delicate changes, the results tend to be very dramatic and leave a lasting impact on one's overall facial harmony. Cosmetic nose surgery at Beyond Beautiful is often recommended to help make a nose look smaller or improve upon a nose that is wide, too large, or misshapen. The goal of this surgery is to create a more aesthetically pleasing nose that meets your goals and functions well. Learn more about rhinoplasty and then contact Beyond Beautiful at their Plano, TX location to schedule your consultation.

What Is Revision Rhinoplasty?

If you previously had a rhinoplasty somewhere besides Beyond Beautiful and are unhappy with your new nose shape or have trouble breathing following the surgery, you don’t have to live with aesthetic results you don’t like or suffer from functional problems. At Beyond Beautiful, Dr. Booth proudly performs revision rhinoplasty at our Plano, TX facility. Revision or secondary nose surgery often involves minor changes to better the appearance of your nose or a more comprehensive reconstruction to address its architecture. This revision rhinoplasty aims to ensure you have a new look you love and no breathing issues in the future. Prior to performing nose revision surgery, Dr. Booth will discuss your situation during a consultation to understand your personal desires and aesthetic goals before designing a treatment plan and determining the surgical technique that should be used.

What are the benefits of a rhinoplasty?

Cosmetic and functional issues related to the nose can make you feel self-conscious and decrease your quality of life. Rhinoplasty may improve both the appearance and functional abilities of your nose, providing a boost in confidence and overall satisfaction. Patients often work with Dr. Booth for the following reasons:

  • Experience: Dr. Booth has helped patients achieve their desired results through rhinoplasty and other cosmetic procedures.
  • State-of-the-art facility: Beyond Beautiful's modern facility is equipped with the latest tools and technologies in the industry and continues to expand.
  • Personalized care: Our surgical staff takes a personal interest in every patient, ensuring that all your needs are met.
  • Safety: The safety of our patients is always our top priority. We adhere to strict safety protocols and maintain a clean, sterile environment.

Who is a candidate for rhinoplasty surgery?

If you find yourself frustrated with the appearance of your nose and have distinct issues that you would like to improve, enhance, or correct, then rhinoplasty may be a great solution. It's important to go over realistic expectations for the outcome of your procedure as your nose and facial profile will be altered due to your new balance of facial features. Rhinoplasty, also called nose surgery or nose reshaping, can greatly improve both the appearance of your nose and your self-confidence. This treatment can correct the following conditions:

  • An oversized or undersized nose
  • Bumps or indentations on the nose
  • A nose that is too wide or too skinny
  • A nose with an unbalanced or crooked appearance
  • An undesirable nasal tip
  • Large or upturned nostrils
  • Anatomical obstructions that cause bad breathing, or a deviated septum

In order to be a candidate for rhinoplasty, your facial features must be fully developed and you should be 18 years of age or older. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Booth so she can help you determine if this treatment is right for you.

How is Rhinoplasty Performed?

Nose surgery at Beyond Beautiful Texas Plastic Surgery is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia and is considered an outpatient surgery. Depending on your aesthetic goals and concerns, there are various surgical methods.T he goal during treatment is to remove excess tissue and cartilage or to improve and add cartilage for a new shape. The nasal features are repositioned while the skin is draped over the newly improved framework. Sutures are positioned either inside the nose or in the natural external fold.

How long is recovery after a rhinoplasty?

Upon completion of your cosmetic nose surgery, you will rest comfortably in a designated recovery area and then be released to heal at home. The nose and the surrounding areas will be swollen, bruised, and sore for the first few days. In most cases, there is some discoloration under the eyes as well. Consistently using cold compresses and inflammatory medications can help minimize these effects. Your post-op check-up with Dr. Booth will take place within 72 hours following surgery to monitor your healing process. Most people are able to return to work in about 7 – 10 days following their rhinoplasty procedure, but there will still be residual swelling. While the majority of swelling takes about 2 – 4 weeks to resolve, it can take up to a year for all of the swelling to fully resolve.

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Rhinoplasty FAQ

How much does rhinoplasty cost?
The cost of nose reshaping surgery varies, depending on the technique used and the complexity of the procedure. Before estimating costs, Dr. Booth will listen to your needs and goals to help create your customized treatment plan. Once this is done, she can go over your costs for the facility, anesthesia, and more. To get your best results, it's better to focus on choosing an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon, like Dr. Booth, rather than settling for the person who offers you the lowest quote. To help make your surgery easy to afford, Beyond Beautiful in Plano, Texas accepts many payment methods, as well as low-interest financing.

Are there nonsurgical options to change my nose?
To smooth lumps and bumps on your nose, a wrinkle filler (like Juvéderm or Restylane) may be an option. An injectable filler can temporarily correct minor imperfections on your nose, which may help you decide to proceed with rhinoplasty. Nose surgery is better for long-lasting results, larger changes, and improving the internal structure for better function. During your consultation, Dr. Booth will let you know if you may be a candidate for nonsurgical nose reshaping.

What about ethnic rhinoplasty?
Ethnic rhinoplasty focuses on improving the nose while still maintaining your cultural identity. This may be a consideration if you are Asian, African-American, or Middle Eastern. During your consultation with Dr. Booth, you can discuss what you like about your nose and what you would like to change. This will allow her to customize your treatment plan so you get wonderful results that satisfy your goals, as well as your identity.

Can I combine nose surgery with other facial surgeries?
Many patients consider combining nose surgery with another procedure, like chin or cheek augmentation. Combining surgeries for a dramatic result can be discussed during your consultation with Dr. Booth. Once she understands your goals, she can help you decide what procedures should be in your treatment plan. Nose reshaping surgery can help your whole face look more balanced so you should wait to see your results before considering another procedure.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.